12 April, 2015

I started Yoga! #yogamy

Hey all!

I'm back with a health/fitness related post & my new obsession: yoga! To be honest, I never took the whole yoga-hype of the last years seriously. Just a few days ago however, my boyfriend and I started it purely by coincidence. We were looking for something to do last Sunday evening and for some reason decided on checking out a yoga video on Youtube and trying it together.

We stumbled upon Yoga with Adriene (Adriene Mishler) who is known to be one of the best Yoga-youtubers, and found "30 Days Of Yoga" a program she created to kick off the new year. She posted a 15-30min yoga sequence a day basically all of January.

our "routine":
Well basically, we just follow her program day by day and finished day 7 this morning. Although we did it in the evening the first time, we switched to the morning for weekdays and have stuckt to it, up to now. When I start classes around 8:15, we'll start as early as 6:30am and if we have more time, we may sleep for a bit longer. Anyway it's a really nice way to start your day, no matter at which hour!

1) get up & throw on yoga/comfy/workout clothes
2) quick teeth brushing & face washing (nothing special)
3) large glass of water (I like mine with some lemon)
4) I love to open up our balcony door all the way (for a few min.), so it's super fresh & airy
5) get things set up & ready to go :) #namaste
6) once I'm done, I try to have at least half an hour for my regular "tasks" before I have to leave. (breakfast, normal outfit, makeup or so)

my thoughts/experience:
obviously I'm super satisfied & excited about it! <3 :D
Doing gymnastics my whole childhood & teenage years, I had the prejudice of it being easy and for not-so sporty people, which it can be - anyone can start yoga (I can only recommend it!!) BUT MAN, it can be a workout! Adriene often includes some full-body workout moves, so 1. don't underestimate it (like I did) and 2. don't be worried you won't be able to handle it. She gives different options, and encourages everyone to move at their own pace.

And I love the relaxed part. As most people, my life has been super hectic, it great to just enjoy the moment before heading off into my day. Moreover I get this energized, accomplished feeling once we're done, which gives me an all-over positive attitude towards the day ahead of me.
It's something I really look forward to doing, and I love sharing the experience with my boyfriend. We started it together and will keep discovering it together.

So yeah people, I really love it and could recommend it to anybody. Maybe I'll post some more about my experience with the 30-day program.

XX Amy

pics used:
yoga clipart http://images.clipartpanda.com/co-host-clipart-clip-art-yoga-860058.jpg
Adriene Mishler http://yogawithadriene.com/wake-get-moving-travel-yoga/ (google images)

02 März, 2015


M A R C H - M A D N E S S! 

Health & Fitness is EVERYWHERE! :-) And I think it's great!!
inslee calendars
Of course, critiques warn about poor body-image and severe issues especially for young adults, who may be easier influenced by media, often only thinking about the results without keeping all-over health in mind.
To avoid getting caught up in unhealthy habits I think it's important to focus on the fact that we are all working on ourselves. I, for instance, will try to focus less on extremely fit & gorgeous women/people on social media but on old photos of myself in which I too was pretty fit, if I may say so! ;)

Today I want to talk about #SalzburgDetoxt
In the Blogging community, a group of girls (from Salzburg) have decided to do a week of detoxing. starting today (March 2nd)-Friday (March 6th).
Everybody makes their own few rules and thinks about a some healthy habits they want to implement this week. Many of them are going vegan for the week!
Here are the founding ladies/blogs

Of course, Michaela & I want to participate & kick-start the spring
Michaela's Insta
Here is Michaela's plan:

  •  1 juice per day
  • little to no gluten
  • less social media
  • more exercise
  • little to no meat

Amy's Insta
My plan for the week:

  • 3x 750ml bottle of water/day 
  • only water/unsweetened tea
  • no food after 8pm
  • no sweets/chocolate/ unhealthy sugar
  • either light exercise (walking/biking) or actual workout (running/swimming/gym)

As you can see, my plan is really basic + a lot of exercise! I have a weakness for eating late at night -> 8pm rule and I often am the worst couch-potato ever- that's why I want to workout a few times -> but even on the days when I don't, I want to get some light exercise in as well, just to keep my body moving!

So join the club! and post anything with #Salzburgdetoxt
♡ Amelie

22 Februar, 2015

Warum Veganer die schlaueren Menschen sind! ;)

Hallo Leute,

hier bin ich wieder mal und hab natürlich auch in letzter Zeit etwas für euch ausprobiert! Ganze 30 Tage habe ich mich meine üblichen Essgewohnheiten aufgegeben und mich vegan ernährt! Es ist mir erstaunlich leicht gefallen auf Tierprodukte zu verzichten. Tatsächlich hat mich viel mehr erstaunt, wie viele vegan Produkte es bereits in den diversen Supermärkten zu kaufen gibt. #thumpsup

5 Fakten warum Veganer die schlaueren Menschen sind:


Das erste was ich durch die vegane Ernährung hab lernen müssen, dass ich mir genau durchlese welche Zutaten die einzelnen Produkte haben. Dadurch kamen dann viele Produkte, auch wenn sie noch so gesund aussahen, nicht mehr in Frage für mich. Es war vor allem das Milcheiweißpulver oder der Honig, die es mir meine Lebensmittelauswahl noch etwas mehr eingrenzten. 


Würde ich für jede "Wo bekommst du denn dein Eiweiß her"- Frage 1 Euro bekommen, dann wäre ich bereits reich! Es gibt auch pflanzliches Eiweiß, es muss eben nicht immer Fleisch sein! Wie wäre es mit Quinoa, Amaranth, Sojabohnen, Nüsse, Samen, Linsen oder Tofu! Diese Produkte sind nur ein kleiner Auszug und würde sich noch weiterführen lassen. Oft macht es auch die Kombination von Produkten aus und man hat, ja ganz ohne Fleisch, eine eiweißreiche Ernährung.


Leider musste ich die Erfahrung machen, nicht alles wo vegan draufsteht ist auch tatsächlich vegan gewesen. Es ist daher sehr wichtig gewesen sich nicht von den vielen Aufschriften wie organisch, biologisch, aus biologischen Anbau und nur aus natürlichen Lebensmittel vollständig blenden zu lassen.  


Nein man nicht nicht automatisch total ab, nur weil man auf Fleisch und Co verzichtet. Würde man sich nur von Brot ernähren, wäre es auch vegan, aber man hätte den Tag über viel zu viel Kohlenhydrate zu sich genommen. Die Ernährung kombiniert mit Sport führt zu einem gesunden und attraktiven Leben.  


Ein sehr positiver Aspekt war das "faire" und total bewusste einkaufen. Durch den vollständigen Verzicht auf Tierprodukte hat man das Gefühl einen positiven Beitrag für unsere Umwelt beizusteuern. Auch das man nur zu biologische und organische Lebensmittel greift, erfüllt einem mit Stolz und man verspürt, auch wenn man eine vegane Schokolade ist, kein schlechtes Gewissen! 

Fazit, die vegane Ernährung ist abwechslungsreicher als man am Anfang glaubt und war es absolut Wert es ausprobiert zu haben. Mittlerweile ernähre ich mich vegan-vegetarisch, weil es mein Alltag besser zu lässt. Dennoch koche ich aber zuhause vegan und es geht mir leichter von der Hand als ich jemals dachte! Probiert es auch mal aus und überzeugt euch selbst und lasst mich wissen wie es euch damit geht!

Bis bald,
eure Michaela!

18 Februar, 2015

WebDiscovery: YUMMLY.COM (The Best Site for Recipes, Recommendations, Food and Cooking)

OMGIf you are in to cooking, I just found an amazing website!! - or should I say platform?-
YUMMLY is like a Pinterest just for recipes (all for free!) and designed to be efficient and easy to use.

This is how it works:

  • You create an account by connecting either to google+, Facebook or via email address. 
  • You can simply browse the extensive collection.

What makes it special:

  • You can enter information like: age, sex, amount of people you are cooking for, special diets (pale, vegetarian, vegan, etc.) and allergies -> YUMMLY will try and suggest recipes according to your needs, e.g. by changing the amounts of ingredients
  • It offers a detailed table of nutritional facts
  • The instructions are simple and usually include a video in addition to make it even easier
  • The design is simple, easy and very appealing to the eyes ;) including beautiful recipe photos
  • You can save recipes and categorized them like Pinterest-boards
  • YUMMLY also makes new food suggestions based on recipes you have looked at or saved.

Haha! This looks like it's a sponsored post - I wish it was ;) But honestly, I was just amazed by the site and if you enjoy cooking as much as I do and want to try new recipes, I can only recommend it to you.

Head over!

♡ Amelie

12 Februar, 2015

POLYVORE account & Valentine's Inspo

Hi scribble-readers!

So Valentine's Day is coming up once again, and no matter what you have planned: chances are, you'll be looking for some fashion & beauty inspo. BOOM! Soulscribble to the rescue!
This is also a good time to share our POLYVORE (www.polyvore.com) account with you.

If you don't know POLYVORE yet, it's a super fun site/tool/game/app :P that allows you to create fashion (& more) - collages, just like, for instance magazines. It has a ton (literally millions) of items/brands/shops to choose from. To top it all off, you can click on any item and will directly be forwarded to an online shop, where you can buy it. To be honest, this feature is awesome but I actually haven't tried it yet, since I'm scared, I'll go a little crazy :D

edgy but chic like Miley C. 
Here are some of the sets I have created - maybe some ideas for VDay as well <3 enjoy
shopping day with your friends
February blues
casual cute date night all in blue
super chic sushi dinner
Stylish on the slopes!
romantic florals 
Those are just a few of the sets I've created but feel free to check out our account: as always:  "soul scribble" . And of course; anyone with an account, follow us, and we will follow you back :)

♡ Amelie

02 Februar, 2015

Lesson learned 1: Dealing with major setbacks and disappointments

Hey readers! <3 I have a new series for you:::: "lesson learned" are posts where I like to share my point of view and advice on topics relevant to the matter of (me) growing up. Just things I'm picking up along the way. Have fun! :)

Petrichoria- Allison Rathan
Sooner or later you will most likely have to deal with disappointments or major setbacks, particularly, concerning your education or career. College might reject you or you might find out after an expensive semester there, that it is simply not right for you, or maybe you’ll lose your job. I’ve actually experienced all of the above, however the last happened to me not even a whole year ago and resulted into be one of the worst times of my somewhat short life. The lesson I have learned/ am still learning?

1)    Take a deep breath – This is not the end of the world/ your education/ your career – this especially concerns the first minutes-hours and prevents you from doing irrational things you will regret later

2)    Be sad, mad, disappointed, cry  – Okay, so what if we are out of our emotional puberty? If something is important to you, you are allowed to feel all the feels and get it all out (cheesy, I know). This is necessary for you to move on, at least out of this emotional phase.

3)    Ask yourself, what is it that YOU need and want right now (in a longer sense)? Not what anybody expects, just selfish old YOU. A gap time abroad? Some time off, living at home with your parents? It doesn’t matter what your heart desires, do it! The only thing that matters in this stage is to MAKE IT COUNT. I assure you, that this is the step (however long it takes) that will give you more insight into what your plans and goals are for the future. Maybe your plans stay the same, but you have a new motivation and or strategy to achieve them.

4)    This is why it is SO important to make your YOU-time (step 3) count – Once you have defined what you want to achieve and how you will do it, you will slowly be getting “back into the saddle” Applying for colleges, interviews, heck, opening up your own start-up. This is when all your experiences, connections, ideas, projects, YouTube videos, your blog -> you name it (!) – come in handy. Maybe it’s exactly those traveling experiences that set you apart from other college applicants. Or maybe your new blogging skills will land you that marketing job. Etc. etc. etc.

5)    And if at first you don’t succeed try, try again! – Don’t give up!! Surround yourself with positive, encouraging people. To find purpose in your future, step no. 3 is very important. And once you know for sure, step no. 3,5 ;) is to really define which steps of action are necessary to get there.

♡ Amelie