10 September, 2014

#FitScribble - The Fit4Fall Challenge

The Fit4Fall Challenge!

Hey girls & guys - it's Amelie

Originally I wanted to do a “fall fashion fave’s”- post today, but when I was surfing around this morning, I came across all these awesome fall fitness challenges from various sites! (wait- what?? Yup! I am writing in English and probably will continue doing so in the future ;) )

Anyway, we had the idea to change it up and create our own challenge(s) for each other. I will have 4 rules for Michaela and vice versa. We will trigger 1. Cardio, 2. Toning, 3. Nutrition & 4. The Joker. WHOOP, I’m excited! Keep in mind, we want to make this as doable for each other as possible (difficulty, time & effort-wise).

So! Michaela here are the promises you have to keep:

·      Cardio: I know you are a running-rockstar and go a lot. Promise me you will do 30 rope-skips for each time you go running. Before or after, doesn’t matter. Ad 10 Skips per week. (so week 2 = 40 skips, etc.)
·      Toning: Promise me you will do 50 (real) push-ups a week. I don’t care when you do how many. Just get them done J
·      Nutrition: No false-flavored drinks! you can have one cheat per week if necessary.
·      Joker: You love Instagram. The SELFIE SQUAT! For every time you post a selfie, you have to promise to do 10 squats. RIGHT THEN & THERE.

The challenge starts next Monday (Sept 15th) and ends on Friday, Oct 31st. So about 7 weeks and basically the whole Autumn. We’ll check in every now and then and kick-start the Fit4Fall challenge with a before-pic on Monday. So stay tuned J

Michaela, I am ready for your challenge, (oh boy!) #FitScribble

♡ Amelie

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